Author: ADMIN

Algebraic Theory Behind Bitcoin’s Blockchain Alberto Ruiz, Dylan Cruz Monday, June 04, 2018: 10 a.m.; Room A277 (Faculty of Natural Sciences) Abstract In order for successful decentralization of a cryptocurrency we need a way to secure a public record of transactions between users, called a \textit{blockchain}. We present the benefits of keeping a blockchain and discuss the encryption methods to keep it secure. This includes, the hashing methods, the algebraic theory behind the encryption and the networking details behind it. After a careful study of the material the reader should have a high level understanding of how various blockchain components…

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What is the Mathematics Immersion Program? The Mathematics Immersion Program consists of an intensive five-week study, where the mathematical concepts discussed during the 12 school years are studied, unified, intertwined, extended and emphasized to ensure that students have a mastery and development of the skills that allow them to visualize and use them in mathematics and science. See information below for this year’s Inmersion Program. If the frame below does not scroll on your device click here. You can find more information here.

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Programa de Becas para Disertación, Tesis o Proyecto Equivalente (PBDT) y Becas por Mérito Académico y Ejecutorias Excepcionales Convocatoria Año Académico 2018-2019 Fecha de Publicación: 14 de marzo de 2018 Fecha Límite para entregar solicitud: 16 de abril de 2018 Fecha de Notificación: 31 de mayo de 2018 El Decanato de Estudios Graduados e Investigación (DEGI) convoca a los estudiantes doctorales del Recinto de Río Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico y aquellos en programas de maestría donde no exista un programa doctoral, a solicitar a los programas competitivos de becas: BECAS PARA DISERTACIÓN, TESIS O PROYECTO EQUIVALENTE (PBDT)…

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The SIDIM 2018 schedule by names is here. The SIDIM 2018 schedule by submission number is here. Rooms Legend Room 1 C-204 Room 2 C-206 Room 3 A-233 Room 4 A-231 Room 5 A-229 Room 6 A-227 Book of Abstracts SIDIM 2018 To obtain the Book click here.

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