Author: ADMIN

The world of statistics and data analysis is teeming with models designed to make sense of complex phenomena. Bayesian Model Selection, a powerful paradigm in statistical modeling, offers a principled approach to choosing the most appropriate model among a set of alternatives. In this introductory talk, we will embark on a journey into the introduction of Bayesian Model Selection, exploring its key concepts and principles. We will delve into the foundational notions of Bayes theorem and model comparison using simple examples. If you’re a seasoned a curious beginner, this presentation will provide valuable insights into the art and science of…

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In this talk we introduce different concepts of fractional derivatives. We also present the definition of Mittag-Leffler functions and several of their properties. In addition, we will analyze qualitative properties of the solutions to the fractional (abstract) Cauchy problem for the linear and nonlinear case.

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Historically originated as a sub-field of topology, knot theory is currently an active area of mathematical investigation. Besides having a high independence, the theory also enjoys strong connections with other areas such as combinatorics, statistical mechanics, and algebra. In this talk we are going to introduce the first ideas of the theory focusing on the notion of invariants of links. First, we quickly take a look at the historical origins of the theory. Then, we explore the bracket polynomial. Finally, we see how from the bracket polynomial a homology theory can be constructed.

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Academic Class Schedule — August 2023 The class schedule is subject to changes. Below is the version of the schedule as of April 20, 2023. The document has several pages. If the frame below does not scroll on your device click here.

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