Algebra Algebra 2007-2008, First Semester Algebra 2007-2008, Second Semester Algebra 2015-2016, First Semester Algebra 2016-2017,…
Month: September 2017
Workshop on Dynamics, Control and Numerics for Fractional PDE’s Date: December 5–7, 2018 Location: Hotel…
El Seminario Interuniversitario de Investigación en Ciencias Matemáticas (SIDIM) es una de las actividades más…
About the Department: The Department of Mathematics of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras…
Here is a quote from MAA’s website: WeBWorK is an open-source online homework system for…
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Puerto Rico engages in educational assessment which…
[rev_slider alias=”slidertest”] The Academic Resources are a number of services, programs and platforms that reside…
The Bachelor’s Program in Mathematics is the first important step in the education and mathematical…
Our major asset is that our students have access to research projects that are on…