San Juan

GPOTS 2000

Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium

San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 23–27 2000.


The conference will focus on topics of current interest in the general areas of operator theory and operator algebras. The scientific program will consist of 12 fifty-minute plenary talks as well as twenty- minute talks in parallel sessions.

Principal Invited Speakers

W. Arendt (Univ. of Ulm, Germany), O. Bratteli (Univ. of Oslo, Norway), G. A. Elliott (Univ. of Copen- hagen, Denmark, and Univ. of Toronto, Canada), V. F. R. Jones (Univ. of California, Berkeley), D. Larson (Texas A&M Univ.), V. Nistor (Penn State Univ.), G. K. Pedersen (Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark), G. Pisier (Texas A&M Univ. and Univ. Paris VI, France), S. Popa (Univ. of California, Los Angeles), N. Salinas (Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence), G. Yu (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder), and L. Zsido (Univ. of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy).

Organizing Committee

I. Cardona, I. Cioranescu, G. Gong, V. Keyantuo, L. Li, C. Pasnicu, E. Rivera, S. Teleman, and B. Weiner.


Application and abstract sub- mission deadline: April 21, 2000. For infor- mation and application forms send e-mail to, or write to GPOTS 2000,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Box 23355 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931-3355
Fax: (787) 281-0651; Phone (787)764-0000 ext 1238.